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Nosantine (racemate)前沿研究進展

發(fā)布日期:2017-11-13   瀏覽次數(shù):2
核心提示:Nosantine racemate 是 Nosantine 的外消旋體。Nosantine是一種 bIL-2/b 誘導劑或誘導 bIL-2/b 的增強劑。BRa href=https://www.
Nosantine racemate 是 Nosantine 的外消旋體。Nosantine是一種 IL-2 誘導劑或誘導 IL-2 的增強劑。
CA-074 methyl ester產(chǎn)品描述:CA-074 methyl ester is a specific inhibitor of Cathepsin B, which has potent bioactivities such as neuroprotective, anti-cancer, and anti-inflamatory effects.In Vitro: CA-074Me (5 μM and 50 μM) inhibits RANKL-induced osteoclastogenesis in BMM cells derived from C57BL/6J and NOD/ShiLtJ mice. CA-074Me exerts its anti-osteoclastogenic effect within 24 hours post-RANKL stimulation in vitro. CA-074Me does not exert its anti-osteoclastogenic effect via the MAPK-ERK signaling cascade. CA-074Me inhibits c-FOS upregulation and subsequent NFATc1 autoamplification following RANKL stimulation.[2]. CA-074Me reduces apoptosis induced by CVB1[3]. In Vivo: Hippocampal CA1 neuronal programmed necrosis induced by global cerebral I/R injury is prevented by CA074-me (1 μg, 10 μg) both pre-treatment and post-treatment. The rupture of lysosomal membrane and the leakage of cathepsin-B, and this is strongly inhibited by CA074-me pre-treatment. The

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Mechanisms:Interleukin Related;
Research Area:Inflammation/Immunology
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